In a video going viral on social media, Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman was seen pulling up the Collector of Telangana's Kamareddy district on Friday. The collector, Jitesh Patil, could not provide an answer to what was the Centre and the state's share in the rice supplied through fair price shops post which the face-off between the finance minister and Patil began.
#NirmalaSitharaman #TelanganaCollector #Telangana
Nirmala Sitharaman slams Collector,Telangana Collector slammed by Nirmala Sitharaman,Nirmala Sitharaman's face-off with Collector,Telangana Collector Jitesh Patil,Viral video,Public Distribution System,PM Modi's photo,Fair Price shops,State's share,Centre's share,Kamareddy,Telangana Cadre IAS officer,Nirmala Sitharaman in Telangana,PM's pictures at Fair price shops,Lok Sabha Pravas Yojana,Oneindia news,Oneindia english